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Office 1801, The Exchange by Tanmiyat, Happiness Street, Business Bay, Dubai, UAE 800-MANZIL (800 626 945)
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Baby Sitting Services

Fill out the form and one of our committed team members will contact you shortly.

    Childcare support you can rely on.

    As parents, we only want the best for our children. Our carefully selected baby nurses have medical nursing background and are trained in house for baby and childcare, so your child receives the best care while you are away. We continually educate our baby nurses to ensure they keep up with the high standards of care your child/baby needs.

    What we offer you and your baby:

    Baby care demonstration

    Identifying and addressing common problems with new born

    Learning about new born characteristics (physical, inborn reflexes, sleep/wake stress and more)

    Assist you in establishing a sleep routine

    Establishing good sleeping patterns or sleep training

    Helping you take care of multiple babies at home

    Baby baths and changing nappies

    Bottle feeding and introducing solid food

    Addressing common problems of new borns like jaundice, fever, colic, ear infections and more

    Watch our client’s Mother and Baby service journey: